family mediation

Find resolve without conflict

Even amidst disagreements, there is a route to resolution that does not involve courtrooms. Kara Harwich is dedicated to helping individuals facing separation, divorce, or post-decree modifications find innovative solutions to even the most contentious issues - helping parties pave their own way forward to a bright future.

Why mediate?

  • Maintain control

    In any family law matter, parties have two avenues to resolution: agreement or by order of the court. If parties cannot come to agreements on the issues they face, then they must argue their position before a judge who will then decide the outcome of their case. Mediation allows parties to maintain a degree of control over the outcome of their case - nobody is in a better position to effectuate a result that will best serve you and your family than you.

  • Save Time & Money

    Divorce can be quite costly, especially when conflicts arise during litigation - spurring further litigation, leading to additional costs. Litigation can also take a lot longer than parties realize; oftentimes, a divorce matter can take months to over a year to resolve. Parties that resolve their matter early through mediation can save thousands of dollars they would otherwise spend litigating those issues. The time and money you will save mediating is better spent building you future.

  • Protect your peace

    At HB Law, we embrace a comprehensive approach to client care. Beyond efficiently resolving legal matters, we prioritize addressing the mental and emotional impact of divorce and separation on every individual. We recognize that facilitating a path towards a hopeful future after such life changes entails more than just optimizing asset allocation (rest assured, we excel in that aspect). It demands attentive support for our clients' mental and emotional well-being throughout the journey. We firmly advocate for mediation as a means to mitigate the emotional toll of divorce, minimize litigation, and consequently reduce conflict, enabling you to embrace the fresh start you rightfully deserve sooner.

Not all attorneys are mediators,

Not all mediators are trained, experienced attorneys.

Choosing to mediate through Kara Harwich - trained and experienced family law attorney - comes with numerous advantages. Kara’s comprehensive understanding of family law ensures that all issues are addressed effectively, providing clarity and guidance throughout the process. Kara’s understanding and knowledge of the applicable laws and their practical application allows her to not only properly and fully inform individuals, but to offer creative solutions to complex issues aligned with the law, parties’ rights, and the best interests of children. Knowing what parties are up against informs Kara’s methods - her expertise enables her to facilitate productive communication and negotiation between parties, fostering a cooperative environment conducive to reaching mutually beneficial agreements. By choosing a family law attorney as mediator, individuals can expect a personalized touch to tailored, innovative solutions that empower individuals and families to navigate the complexities of divorce or separation with confidence and achieve resolutions that meet their unique needs and priorities.

what to expect

  • Take advantage of a free, 30-minute conversation between Kara and both parties to get started. This intake allows Kara to learn of the issues you face, get a sense of the parties, and to ensure the parties are prepared with the proper information to have an effective consultation.

  • Parties should come to mediation fully prepared with knowledge of the issues and an idea of their ideal outcomes. This includes having prepared their financial statements and positions regarding parenting time, decision-making, and the division of assets and debts. During your free intake discussion, Kara will go over all of this - rest assured, Kara will make certain that you and your spouse have all you need to complete this preparation and to come to the table ready to reach mutually beneficial resolution.

  • While Kara cannot file final documents on your behalf, she will diligently prepare all agreements reached during mediation for both parties to sign. This includes drafting provisions aimed at safeguarding each party's interests and ensuring seamless execution of the terms agreed upon.

  • There are a number of documents required to finalize a divorce - HB Law can assist individuals with drafting these additional pleadings required by the Court prior to the issuance of your divorce decree.


If we mediate through you, are you our attorney?

As your mediator, Kara is not either of your’s attorney. She will be acting as a neutral, objective party who’s roll is to inform the parties, foster collaboration, and to share creative solutions. Kara cannot provide either individual with legal advice during the process, and will not be able to represent either party in any litigation before or after mediation.

Can i schedule mediation through you without the other party?

As mediation is a neutral and mutual path toward resolution, each step requires the express consent and participation of both parties. Therefore, both parties must agree to mediate through Kara and will be involved in all communications with Kara leading up to mediation, including the intake and consultation.

What if I wish to speak to kara alone?

Though both parties will be included in all communication leading up to mediation, Kara offers each party the opportunity to discuss the issues in private with Kara during mediation. This allows each party to feel they have a safe outlet to share information, their feelings, hesitations, concerns, etc. that can help Kara foster those innovative solutions that address all issues. Allowing this space allows Kara to forge bridges between the parties through trust and understanding.

ARe you an ODR Mediator?

Colorado offers a number of county-specific mediators through their Office of Dispute Resolution.

Kara is not an ODR mediator.

How long does mediation take?

Kara schedules mediation in either 3 or 6 hour blocks. In her experience, most cases can be resolved in one of these time-frames dependent upon the number of issues the parties face and the level of conflict between the parties. For minimal issues or conflict, 3 hours may be sufficient. For matters involving multiple or highly-contentious issues, Kara recommends a 6-hour session. Both sessions can accommodate as many breaks as the parties may need.

Will we mediate together, in the same room?

Mediation can occur in a number of different settings so to ensure a safe space while facilitating collaboration over the issues. Many sessions will be held virtually, allowing Kara to serve individuals located throughout Colorado. This enables parties to either discuss the issues together, at the same “table”, but from the comfort of their own space, or to be isolated from each other at separate “tables” where Kara can go to-and-fro in facilitating discussion.