moving you forward, toward a bright and positive future

Our team is committed to providing comprehensive legal solutions for any and all family-related matters. With extensive experience in handling even the most high-conflict cases, we will expertly tailor our representation to meet your family’s unique needs. Whether you are facing a divorce, child custody issues, seeking spousal support or wish to modify existing orders, we will champion your family and position you and your children for success beyond your legal battles.

Located in Fort Collins, Colorado, HB Law proudly serves Northern Colorado and the Front Range including Greeley, Denver, Boulder, and the surrounding communities.

  • At HB Law, we know that divorce is a natural part of life. People grow, evolve, and change over the course of their lives; sometimes that individual evolution results in us and our life partners not being right for each other moving forward - that is okay. If you have come to the decision that the future you envision for yourself demands change on the marital front, we are here to guide you through the complex divorce process. Make no mistake, we are not just guides, we will advocate for your rights, your children, and your future every step of the way. No children? Though that reduces the issues before the court, our services are still crucial so to ensure you receive a fair and equitable distribution of marital assets, while protecting your separate property from division

  • If your matter involves children, their wellbeing through the divorce process and moving forward is your first priority - it is the court’s priority as well. The court will strive to determine a parenting time plan that best serves the child based upon several considerations required by law, the totality of which informs the court your family’s unique circumstances. Establishing what is in your child’s best interests is paramount to your divorce case, and will likely be the most contentious issue you face in litigation. Your child(ren) deserve to have the best case presented for their best interests, to protect their time with you and your agency in decisions made for them. Your children deserve HB Law, serving your and their futures.

  • Child support is the right of the child, though it can significantly affect both parents. Determining child support is a multistep process that can become quite convoluted. Though ultimately child support depends upon each parent’s income and the parenting time plan, our attorneys can ensure that the court makes the appropriate considerations relating to your and the other parent’s income. Child support is one area where we have seen unrepresented parties be taken advantage of - don’t let that be you.

  • It goes by several names - alimony, spousal support, or spousal maintenance. Here in Colorado, support paid from one spouse to the other after a divorce is referred to as spousal maintenance. Despite what you call it, spousal maintenance can be a pivotal issue in a divorce. Whether you are seeking financial support or need to defend against overpaying in support, our team is here to protect your money, assets, and future.

  • As life continues after your decree (or order allocating parental rights if the parents were never married), the initially ordered parenting time plan may fail to serve your family’s needs. Parties may wish to move, may experience job changes affecting schedules, or the unforeseeable happens and you need a modification to parenting time - we can help.

    Child and spousal support are also modifiable after the initial orders are issued - we can help ensure that support obligations adhere to the new circumstances you and your children may face.

  • Did you know that grandparents have no legal rights to their grandchildren unless so ordered by the court? We have helped grandparents assert rights over grandchildren where the grandparent serves a vital role in the child’s life and wellbeing.

  • Judges are people and they make mistakes, too. You do not have to be victim to a judge’s error, arbitrary decision, or the other party’s misrepresentations. Our attorneys are skilled in the practice of appealing judgments (or defending against appeals) to the higher Colorado courts. Appeals, or the defense thereof, rely upon expertly crafted legal briefs to persuade the reviewing bench to rule in your favor - we call drafting such slaytime (we mean playtime).

  • Our team is highly experienced in dealing with delicate domestic violence issues and have aided many clients secure protection orders, either as part of or separate from a divorce proceeding. We can help you get the protection you and your children require.


decision-making for your child




temporary orders




Spousal maintenance

Allocation of debt


We understand that the cost of an attorney can seem daunting. We also know that, in most cases, your future depends on the smart moves you make now. Those who try and avoid the cost of an attorney now, pay for it later - less time with their children, less agency in the decisions made for their children, receiving less in support than they are entitled, paying more in support than they should, taking less than an equitable share from the marital estate and so on. In fact, we regularly enter cases for clients who first tried to go at their divorce alone only to realize that they were being taken advantage of by the other party or that the process is far more complex than they realized. Take it from us - it is far easier to do this right from the start than to later realize you need help. Did you know that the court will make numerous decisions in your divorce case at varying stages? Each of those decisions may call upon multiple laws, those contained in hundreds of statute sub-sections and prior decided case-law. The process is complex. It can be long. A lot can happen.  As is our goal, your goal right now should be to position yourself and your children for the brightest future possible. Call us today to make that future your reality.

YOU CAN’T AFFORD to do this alone. 




YOU need experts on your side


“Divorce can be scary - it does not have to be. you just need aN EXPERT guide THAT LOOKS OUT FOR YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR FUTURE.

that’s what we do.

you focused, performance driven.”

frequently asked questions

  • Colorado courts are tasked with dividing marital assets and debts equitably, not equally. This means that the Court will consider the totality of the circumstances surrounding the parties, giving thought to several specific factors enumerated by statute. These factors include the quality of life during marriage, the separate property either party may be receiving, the financial circumstances of the parties at the time of division, and more. Demonstrating your financial circumstances during and at the time of distribution, after first informing the Court of which assets and debts exist to be divided, can be a convoluted process in which an attorney will be of great value; your attorney will aid you through the process of providing financial disclosures, organizing evidence to support your request for the marital assets to which you are entitled, and will even help protect any separate property from being divided by the Court. In the end, the Court divides the marital assets and debts as it finds equitable based upon several factors. Call us today to ensure you receive an equitable outcome.

  • Many parties assume the Court will defer to the parties’ wishes and attempt to find middle ground when deciding the allocation of parenting time (child custody). Though each parent’s wishes is one consideration of the Court, it is only one of 10 specific factors the Court must consider which relate to the child’s best interest. The allocation of parenting time is ultimately decided by what schedule serves the child’s best interests with the overarching goal of fostering positive, healthy relationships with both parents.

  • The quick and all too relevant answer in law is, it depends. The Court must equitably divide the marital assets - first, what is marital? Did you contribute to your retirement prior to the marriage? If so, a portion of your retirement plan may be separate. We can protect that. Even if the full value of your retirement is marital, we can construct a division of marital assets that protects retirement accounts so long as other assets exist to offset the division. Call Kara and Melissa to learn how they can expertly craft a division of assets and debts that maximizes your award.